
Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Well, looks like Canada has decided on... nothing!

The election is over, and we have no party that can form a government. The Liberals have won a minority, but have no realistic allies with which to form a government.

The NDP are currently at 19 seats, and the Liberals are at 135, pending and recounts and such. That brings their total to 154... and they need 155 to form a majority.

They also need another elected MP to appoint as Speaker of the House, meaning the Liberals and NDP would need a total of 156 MPs to effectively form the next government.

As it stands, they're two seats short, which means the Liberals are up the creek without a paddle, and the NDP will NOT be "kingmakers" this time around.

What does this mean?
Well, the Liberals might have to depend on the Bloc for support, which means Federalism will definitely take a hit... not to mention Duceppe will have the oppurtunity to gloat for as long as he wants.

More importantly, it also means that proportional representation will NOT be an issue this time around, if it ever happens at all.
Why? The Conservatives, Bloc and the Liberals are happy with the current system that keeps these parties in power.
The Conservatives will lock up Alberta, and as seen in this election, have actually GAINED seats, despite losing EIGHT percent of the popular vote.
The Bloc, who this time around only represent 12% of the Canadian population get 54 seats, while the NDP who represent 16% get only 19.

So, what does all this mean?

If Martin can manage to effectively cobble together a Liberal-NDP coalition, they'll need to beg the Bloc for support... whether or not this will happen is another issue.

If Martin cobbles together a Liberal-Bloc government, Duceppe will take every oppurtunity to drag the Liberal government down and then start a non-confidence vote in the attempt to capitalize on the Liberals once again.

So, more likely than not, we'll waste millions on yet another federal election in less than a year.

The only GOOD thing about this election is that the pollsters fell on their faces. So much for a "horse race", as the Conservatives clearly fell flat...
Hopefully the media (with the exception of the CBC) will learn that polls shouldn't drive journalism.

Monday, June 14, 2004

My Movie

Hilarious movie!

Reference earphones

Earphone comparison!

Friday, June 11, 2004

gmail swap: checking for invitations

Heeeeeere's Gmail!

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